5GAL/ Partial Mash
OG=1.056 FG=1.014
IBUs=33 SRM=32 ABV=5.7
1.75 lbs Coopers Light DME
3.3 lbs. Coopers Light LME (late addition)
9oz Hugh Baird Brown Malt
1.5 lbs Munich
5.6 oz crystal malt (15)
1lb 3 oz Crystal Malt (75)
5.6 oz Crystal Malt (120)
3.8 oz Pale Chocolate Malt
7.8 AAUs Perle Hops (60 Min)
1.75 AAUs Saaz Hope (30 MIn)
1 tsp Irish Moss
WLP001 or Wyeast 1056
1/8 oz Stearns and Lehman Flavor-mate hazelnut flavoring
Steep Grains in 6.3 qts at 154 for 30 min Sparge at 170 with 3.2 qts. Add water to make 3 Gal stir in DME and boil
Add Perle at 60, Saaz at 30, LME and Irish Moss at 15 min
Ferment at 60 degrees for 1 week, add Hazelnut flavor to secondary.
AG Version
Mash 8.25 lbs Pale Malt with specialty malts in 15 qts of water at 153 for 45 min.
Sparge at 170 with enough to collect 6.5 gals. Boil for 90 min and use hopping and fermentation schedule above.
Hope that helps, this is next on my list after my Arrogant Bastard Clone this weekend!

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